11/29 DIY / Seasonal/Holiday

Printable Christmas Wrapping Paper


Wrapping presents is already a lot of fun for me, so now that making wrapping paper is added on to my list of life skills, this is indeed a very exciting time.  I tend to get really into a particular motif during holiday and stick to it, and so far it’s looking like it’s the season of the tree.

I love the black trees characteristic of Scandinavian Christmas designs, and luckily it’s easy to draw.  After some doodling I turned one of my hand-drawn trees into this wrapping paper I partnered with Canon to share with you as a free download!  That link is at the end of the post, along with an easy entry giveaway for a Canon printer, gasp!  Stick around, or go straight to the end I totally understand that you’re so excited you can’t wait.


To make the wrapping paper, I scanned my sheet of doodles (can you guess where O came by and contributed his own doodle?) with my PIXMA MG7720 Wireless All-In-One Printer.  The scanner has got to be my favorite tool of the year since it has played a big role in bringing my ideas to life like oh I dunno making wrapping paper out of something I drew!


I chose my favorite tree and created a pattern with it in Photoshop.  The sizing is for a larger size 13×19″ paper which I used my Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer to print.


Then all there was left to do was wrap all the things.


I used a mixture of string, bells, and greens to top the wrapping paper, though my favorite one is probably…




little-present…this one.  I think you already guessed that, and maybe it’s your favorite one too?  I’ve learned that most of us can’t resist tiny or mini things.  For smaller objects like this, printing on a regular letter size paper will work!  Just size to fit when you print.

Download the wrapping paper here.

GIVEAWAY IS CLOSED.  Winner has been selected and notified.  Thanks to everyone for entering!


canonseeimpossibleThis post is sponsored by Canon.  All words and content are always my own.  Thank you for supporting brands that help bring fun ideas for you to discover and try!

165 comments on “Printable Christmas Wrapping Paper”

  1. Great idea! love your blog and I would love to have a Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer, to be able to do all the DIYs you post on your blog and more, really like your style!- happy holidays :)

  2. Thank you for great download, I just love the tree pattern you created. If I had a choice I would choose the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer. I would love to have the capability to print large sheets. Happy Holidays!

    1. I would choose the Canon PIXMA IP8720 Crafting Printer. I am a Special Ed teacher and sure could use it in my classroom! Thank you!

  3. I would choose the Canon Pixma 8720 because of the ability to print in large format. I am a hand lettered and often want to print larger than 8.5×11 so this would be amazing to win!

  4. I would choose the crafting printer since it allows for a larger stock of paper. Bummer it doesn’t come in white though! I’m starting to do more watercolors, I would love to be able to scan in the originals and print copies for family and friends, or even make larger prints out of them!

  5. I’d definitely go for the crafting printer. It would allow me to do so much more stuff. I love crafting.

  6. I would choose the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer. I would love to be able to print some of my daughter’s art work & frame it to give as gifts to the grandmas!

  7. The 8720. Is this is trick? Both links are for the same printer, right? I just need a printer for larger format images. I like to print my photos and frame them. Printing services are getting expensive. Thanks!

    1. AGH! I messed that up. I fixed the links, the giveaway is for either of the two printers I mentioned in this post. Thanks for letting me know!

  8. You are always consistent. You create fabulous projects. I just finished making the awesome potholders.
    they turned out great, by the way. Loved that rope from Poland. I am so using this wrapping paper. I adore your style. I would so love to enter the giveaway for a printer. I am behind the times. I cannot print wirelessly nor print photos. If I would, perhaps I could begin to emulate you! The Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer looks awesome but would be a happy girl with either. Thank you for sharing your talent with us!

  9. I love this! That wrapping paper is so perfect. I already don’t know what I’d choose! Haha. I would love to have a scanner but I’d also love to do large prints. I do calligraphy on the side and I could use either one for so many fun things!!

  10. How fun! I would love to win the PIXMA iP8720, and would absolutely use it for marketing materials for my business, Handmade Sam*Made.

    Postcards, wrapping paper, and more!

  11. Love the wrapping paper! I would use the Cannon PIXMA for my business Wildwood Lettering. I am in the market for a new printer to print art prints, gift tags, invitations, greeting cards and now gift wrap!

  12. Ahhh! Amy! You’re killing it! I love the design! I was actually looking for wrapping paper similar to this, and you just made my wishes come true! I’d love the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer, as a printer is already on my Christmas wishlist, and this would be perfect. The range in sizes is highly impressive and the quality and minimal design looks superb! I’m daydreaming of days I won’t have to run to the nearest FedEx whenever the next DIY inspiration comes around. HA

  13. Love the free printable!! Thank you so much!! If I won I’d pick the crafting printer!! I’m a Mommy of 4 (1 year old twin boys) and always love DIY party decor and crafts for kids….I have a canon camera and this would be perfect!! I could also print photos!! Fingers crossed!!

  14. First of all, I have to say I stumbled across your blog recently and I am completely OBSESSED! I literally love everything you post!

    I’d love to have the Canon PIXMA iP8720 for DIYs and printing photos :)

  15. I would get the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer because 1, I’ve already been wanting one (!!!!) and 2, so that I can use it for printing my art prints! As of now I just make duplicates, but I would love to be able to actually print them! Ps, this wrapping paper is beautiful!

  16. I would pick the wireless printer which would be great for photos and gifts! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  17. I’d choose the PIXMA MG7720 Wireless All-In-One Printer. Working on starting a small stationery business with my mom and a good scanner/printer would be so helpful!

  18. I would want to win the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer which would be great to have to print out amazing crafting print paper to do some crafty art :)

  19. Im a parent of 6 kiddos who love art and we always try to find creative ways to make art and sell to help the community we would benefit from a printer like Canon Pixma 8720 to print all of the art and help our community.

  20. This is amazing! I have always wanted to design my own wrapping paper… I actually do by hand for special friends :) So if I win, I will design and print wrapping paper for pretty much everything I gift to someone from now on!

  21. Such an amazing giveaway! This is my first holiday selling my soaps and your post popped up and my inspiration is running wild!

    I would love the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer

    and honestly thank you so much for the cute, cute gift wrapping. Fingers Crossed for the giveaway and making my soaping business that much easier!

  22. I would love the all in one printer for everything like scanning drawings and borderless printing. It’s perfect for my small apartment.

  23. Hi… I would use it for my protects in college and recipes because I’m studying culinary arts. Also I loooove DIY’s so I will use it to print it out some ideas to recreate.

  24. I I would chose the pixma mg7720, it would allow me to try out so many crafts and diys that you and other amazing bloggers create. It can also double as a printer for all of the essays o have to print being a college student. Thank you for the wrapping paper printable too!

  25. I’d chose the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer for my new Etsy shop. For years I’ve worked in the non-profit education world and while that work is incredibly rewarding in its own ways, my real passion is art and DIY. I’ve been able to somehow combine both worlds, bringing art into my workspace with projects that we do with disadvantaged kids all over the world, but now I’m ready to move into making more stuff outside of work. A new printer will really help kickstart my journey into being an entrepreneur and business owner.

    I’d like to have a blog, write more, create more and share my ideas, tips and art with the world. I am Pakistani and the DIY space really lacks South Asian representation. I think a new awesome printer would help me and create and share the art I create inspired by my beautiful, interesting and amazing South Asian roots.

    P.S. Love your work! Big fan, have been following your work on Instagram for ages. Love this website, too! So clean. Cheers!

  26. Hello, Amy! Thanks for the beautiful wrapper printable and having this awesome giveaway! As I’m always involved in charity projects where I would print out my hand-lettered works for churches and charity organisations to sell, I would pick the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer. :)

  27. My daughter and I love crafting so winning the Canon PIXMA iP8720 crafting printer would be so amazing. Your wrapping paper and other DIY projects are so inspiring!! Thank you!

  28. Such a nice giveaway! I would be very happy to have the crafting printer. What fun would THAT be?!!
    Thank you for this chance!

  29. Excellent gift wrapping idea with a creative and personal touch!
    I would choose the Canon PIXMA iP8720 for its 13″x19″ printing dimensions.

  30. I’d love the MG7720. I love its ability to scan and print and will definitely using it a lot for my home office and crafting purposes.

  31. Definitely the crafting printer! I loooove the idea of making your own wrapping paper and I’d probably try that out first if I had the crafting printer!

  32. I’m so obsessed with papers, too and especially in X-mas time there are so many great papers and it’s hard to decide, this year I get some with black houses and a little gold and your paper with the trees is the perfect one to combinate with , so thanks for this freebee.
    Greetings from Germany Kathrin

  33. I love your style! I would choose the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer. I am a volunteer for a non-profit arts organization called Free Arts for Abused Children of Arizona, and I would use it to help create amazing art projects for the children we serve. Thanks!

  34. Would love the crafting printer – where do you get the large paper for this printer ?
    Your blog is so awesome and thank you for all the freebies ! Giving my daughter your cute tree wrapping paper – she will put it to good use with her jewelry business.

  35. I would love to win the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer because I love the wider range of paper sizes, so useful in my crafting endeavors. I like to print my own gift wrap and also I like to print pretty sheets that I later cut out small boxes for gifts as well. It would be so useful with my card making because I could print out backgrounds for my hand made cards. Also printing planners and journals would be so much fun on a new printer.

  36. I would definitely pick the PIXMA MG7720 All-In-One printer and use it for my crafts. I love lettering/calligraphy so I think it would be great to print my cards and stationary! I would also be able to use it to print your free wrapping paper and design my own, just in time for the holidays :)

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  37. What a wonderful idea! Your packages are beautiful. I’d love to win the PIXMA MG7720 Wireless All-In-One Printer. I bought my current machine for its high end printing but really miss my scanner. Happy Holidays!

  38. I would love the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer to give to my daughter as a Christmas gift. She is such a talented artist, and I would love for her to have the ability to sell her artwork as she is graduating high school and heading to college. I think it would be a great way for her to make money :)

    Thank you!

  39. What an awesome idea! I love love love the black and white with the touch of green – so beautiful :)

    If chosen, I would love the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer. I would use it for print transfer onto wood projects (my recent obsession!), stationary crafts and I would play copy cat and make my own wrapping paper! I have always loved DIY projects but living in a Boston apartment, it is difficult to have a full work area to do large scale DIY projects. In the past I have taken my projects to a family members garage for use of space and tools. This printer would allow me to play into my crafty side without the use of a borrowed garage ;)

  40. I have been wanting to open an etsy store for a while but haven’t been able to do to lack of a good printer. I had been looking at the all in one printer for a while and it would be amazing to be able to get that printer for Christmas and the new year! Thanks so much for reading the comments :)

  41. Such a hard choice as both look great, but I’d ultimately choose the pixima ip8720 crafting printer. I’d love to be able to print the 13×19 size. I dabble in photoshop and being able to make larger scale prints would look even more impressive with white mats and black frames. I’m envisioning a gallery wall with more variety in scale.

  42. The Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer! Cards, calendars. photos, large scale prints – so many good things. This looks like an awesome printer to replace my older Pixma.

  43. Love the simplicity of this wrapping paper. If I had my pick, id have to choose the all in one printer as my printer just died on me! Never realized how much I used it until now that it’s gone. Haha. I would love an all in one printer because it would give me the ability to do a little bit of everything from home.

  44. Thanks so much for the great blog post! I love seeing how each person adds a creative spin to the holidays, it’s what makes them so fun and unique!
    If I won I would choose the Canon PIXMA iP8720 printer, I am in the process of rebrand my business and have so many needs for a new printer, from printing documents to new signs and posters. This would help out so much with getting the new business off the ground!

    Thanks again!!

  45. These are gorgeous, Amy! Thanks for sharing it as a free printable. :)

    I could use the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer since it can print borderless up to 13×19. Would love to create and print my own motivational posters + a huge calendar for 2017. :)

  46. I would LOVE the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer, for many reasons. The top two reasons would be 1) the many crafts I do with and for my friends children both near and far (I have many pen pals with my friends children to stay involved!) and 2) obviously, to complete all of the DIY’s you inspire!

  47. I would love to ave the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer but I would get the most use our of the Canon PIXMA iP8720 printer, I do a lot of crafting but I have a granddaughter and would love to print off her beautiful photos.

  48. I’d love the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer. I’d begin using it to create a family picture wall gallery. Then I’d do some more crafting for gifts for friends. Happy Holidays to you!

  49. Thank you so much for the awesome printable wrapping paper! I thing I would really use use crafting printer, it looks like such a great printer. Thank you again!!

  50. As a graphic design student entering my last semester of senior year, the PIXMA MG7720 Wireless All-In-One Printer would allow me to make impactful work post-grad and help build a portfolio! Access to nice printers will be hard to find upon graduation, so having a printer on hand would be nice!

  51. I would pick the all in one printer. We currently don’t have a printer so this would be wonderful for projects with my two little ones.

  52. Love the beautiful wrapping paper and the decorative ideas to finish a gift! I’d love to win the MG7720 printer, which would be wonderful for both crafting and my home office. Thanks to you and Canon for the generous giveaway!!

  53. I volunteer at a small museum and we seem to get people’s discards. It would be wonderful to have either one of the printers to make our jobs easier.

  54. Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer is the printer I would choose! I love that I can print larger pages with it! I would use it to make wrapping paper for all occasions and also to print coloring pages. I have been without a working printer for almost 3 years now and really wish I could print out all of the amazing coloring pages that I have downloaded over the last year or so. I also have a ton of pictures of my grandchildren that I would love to be able to print out. I have been wanting to print them out and make a collage on my craft room wall using the pictures but without a printer that dream is impossible!
    I know that my 12 year old grandson, Joseph, who is quite an artist would totally freak out if I wrapped his birthday present in wrapping paper using some of his drawings! I can see his face now filled with excitement and a little bit of prepubescent embarassment! LOL He gets embarassesd so easily these days but he would also be filled with pride too!
    Thank you for the chance to fill my grandson with pride and me with the joy of being able to print out their pictures and make my wall collage! Winning this would definitely make us all do the happy dance!! Fingers crossed and thanks again for the chance to win this amazing printer!

  55. I would love the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting printer because I am a grandma. All grandmas need to craft with grandkids friends and family. It is a time to share, play, keep the mind growing, in so many ways. Enjoying the success experienced by all and the laughter that makes everyone have positive feelings. I think this is an excellent teaching and learning tool.

  56. The PIXMA MG7720 Wireless All-In-One Printer LOOKS AMAZING! I’m a graphic designer who uses my printer to sketch out my ideas. This would be a perfect addition to grow my business.

  57. I would love to have the PIXMA MG7720 Wireless All In One printer. With 3 writers in one house the ability to print from anywhere is a huge plus!

  58. Beautiful wrapping paper
    you created. And both
    printers are awesome
    but I’d like to win the
    PIXMA MG7720 Wireless
    All-In-One Printer. I do
    Project Life and print
    Carla from Utah

  59. I would love to get the large format printer so that I could use it to print scrapbook paper……the 8720 I think it is. Thanks for the opportunity to win and thanks for the paper download which I am going to print on my laser printer and then foil for use on my cards!

  60. I would love the Crafting printer. I love that you can print copies of original artwork that I can frame and use as gifts. Thank you for this wonderful giveaway. I hope I win.

  61. Thank-you for the printable wrapping paper. I would use it to print large images and craft patterns. I would choose crafting printer.

  62. I would choose the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer because I love to craft with my Silhouette Cameo and could really use a large bed printer. Thanks for all the ideas you provide.

  63. Thank you for the lovely wrapping paper. I will choose the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer. I’ve wanted a larger format printer for some time. I would use it to print . . . wrapping paper! Also, I’d use it to print my Christmas cards made from Vintage postcards.

  64. I would love to give this to my graphic design student daughter. I know she would be doing beautiful things with it- yes I’m partial a little- and it would give her a little more help.
    Thanks for your helpful information.

  65. PIXMA MG7720 wrieless printer would be my choice for printing on paper & fabric! Thank you for the pretty Christmas wrap!

  66. I would love the Crafting Printer! I crochet and would make labels for washing instructions, ‘To/Froms’, etc. I could also make fabric labels. Thank you for the chance to win!

  67. I would choose the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer. It would be amazing to be able to print on 12 x 12 paper. I am constantly crafting for my job and my hobbies! Thanks for the giveaway!

  68. Oh my, what a wonderful and difficult selection to choose from! Since I love to sew crafts, I would love a printer for printing out my patterns. I currently don’t have a printer at all so this would be a huge win! My preference would be the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer, but ieither would be a big score since Canon has such a great products! Thank you so much for offering to give away.

  69. I think I would choose the crafting printer. I would love to print on the larger paper. Thank you for the chance

  70. I think I would choose Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer but honestly winning either would be wonderful. Love your paper.

  71. I had a workhorse 13″ printer before, but it broke and haven’t found one I like. I would love to win the Pixma ip8720 wireless ink jet photo printer so I can print 12×12 papers for scrap booking . Thank you for the chance!


  72. I would choose the PIXMA simply because I create a lot of things regularly and that would truly assist me when I’m trying to create prints without having to print it in an outside store.

  73. I would be so happy to win the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer. It’s so amazing and beautiful. So many crafts and projects come to mind, so much creativity and imagination would be the result of owning this.

  74. I would like the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer for all the 4-H arts and crafts that we do in our 4-H club and for 4-H contests

  75. I would love to win the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer. I love to dabble in all kinds of crafts and this would be a wonderful tool to have.

  76. Hello
    Thank you so much for your post it looks grate!!!
    I would love to have a printer like The ip8720-wireless-inkjet-photo-printer, it will be wonderful to have the aprrtunety to print on a larger scale for my home made projects for decorating and other experiments I love doing at home.

  77. Such a tough decision but I think I’m leaning towards the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer…it’s time to up the hyyge quotient in my home now that its officially starting to feel like winter is right around the corner ;)

    Thanks so much for the free DL – such a great idea and right up my scandi/minimalist style!

  78. I would love to have a Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer. I would use it to print scrapbook page backgrounds, for card making, and printing fun papers for craft projects.

  79. Thank you for your posting! I would most certainly choose the Canon Pixma Crafting Printer, because it can print in the larger format. Also, I have been told that the quality of the printer allows you to scan your artwork, and print it for gifts, and perhaps for sale.

    I love that idea! Merry Christmas!! dottie lou

  80. Gorgeous present wrapping! How long do the greens last for? I always want to do something like this but leave it until the last moment in case the greens go limp and sad.
    Have saved this so I can pop back when I’m ready to get wrapping!

  81. I would love to have the wireless all-in-one printer!! As a grandma and a kindergarten teacher, I can think of many uses! The scanner would be great, and I love that it is wireless, too. I would print some of my many finds from pinterest for the classroom and love the fact that the photo quality is so good for my 3 grandbabies who are across the country from me. Love your wrapping paper, too. You are very talented! Thanks for the offer.

  82. I would choose the PIXMA ultimate all in one printer because I am in dental school and tired of walking to the library every time I need to print something. These printers would be VERY well love <3 beautiful photos btw

  83. I would choose the crafting printer! I would love to print some of my artwork for gifts and our son’s nursery!

  84. Thanks for a chance to win. I would choose the PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer. I would love to be able to copy scrap pages and print my own 12×12 background paper. Larger photos would be a bonus. Thanks again.

  85. I would love to win the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer! I have so many ideas to create pretty stationery from my watercolour paintings but just need the tools to be able to do it… this would be amazing!

  86. I would love the larger paper size of the crafting printer. Making my own wrapping paper for my quilting and cross stitch orders on Etsy would be fun to try. Or printing placemats for the kids to color. Or printing larger templates like stockings without running across pages! Thanks for the awesome review and ideas!

  87. The Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer would be my choice. I’d love to print wrapping paper so the gifts under my tree would be wrapped in such unique lovely paper. I love your designs and thank you for sharing. I really didn’t know these were possible until I found your page. Thanks for giving me all kinds of ideas! Good Luck to all.

  88. I would love to have the Canon PIXMA iP8720 because I like working with photography and my husband does design work so it would be useful to have something with a really good print quality.

    1. What a great idea. I like the idea of creating your own paper. Thanks

      My choice the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting printer. I love to craft.

  89. I love the PIXMA iP8720 – I’ve had some cute ideas for gift tags this year and would love to print some out!

  90. I would chose the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer. I know it would be used often between my daughter and I. Thank you for the chance!

  91. LOVE everything about this post! I would especially love the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer as I am freelancer designer and constantly printing goodies for clients. I also design adoption profile books for families going through the adoption process and would LOVE this printer to help with the books! It’s perfect!!

  92. I love the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer! I’m trying to print more of my own photos and make more of my own kid’s coloring books to give away as gifts. The wrapping paper is so cute!!

  93. Who wouldn’t choose the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer??! I mean versatility as well as functionality…I mean, c’mon!! (Hope I’m not too late on the entry).
    Love the blog and this cutsie paper! Thanks!!

  94. That crafting printer is amazing! I would love to try some diy projects and it add it to my Pinterest.

    Either way thanks for sharing your amazing diys.

  95. Love this! I am not sure I would be able to decide! Leaning towards the crafting printer. So many times an 11×14 paper just isn’t big enough. Would love to craft with this printer!

  96. Gaylene Hick

    I would love to have any Canon printer. Preferably, the easier to use, the better. I have not had a printer for a long time and would love to be able to use one for crafts. Thanks

  97. I would choose the PIXMA MG7720 Wireless All-In-One because it would do everything I need for all my crafts: print, scan, copy. I love that it has so many different inks and that the print/copy resolution is so high.

  98. I’m starting up my own business in handmade bridal accessories, so you’ll use the crafting printer to print my own leaflets, business cards and packaging to send out all of my lovely pieces in!

  99. Thank you for this beautiful paper and the chance to win. I would choose the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer and my first project would be wrapping paper!

  100. OMG there presents are so cute, I want them all ahhah :-) I am a bit terrible in wrapping presents, I wish I was as good as you! I will def have to try this!!

  101. I would choose the Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer and my first project would be printing to cloth for quilting.!

  102. This Canon printer is awesome and I would try all kinds of projects to see what it could do!

    How inspiring it would be to expand the capabilities of your DIY projects!!!

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