05/15 DIY

Patio Style

Patio Style

Star Pendant / Beaded Pillow / Pom Pom Pillow / Embroidered Pillow / Sofa / Chair
Fire Pit / Rug / Elephant Baby / Leather Pouf

It is HOT outside.  According to the calendar, it isn’t technically summer yet for another month, but it more than feels like it here in so-cal.  It’s got me thinking a lot about outdoor lounging, though really right now I’m preferring the air-conditioned indoors!  Still, the season of patio envy is upon us, and my patio-less self has been daydreaming about the kind of outdoor space I’d want to hang out in.

So for my pretend patio, I imagine this mix of classic, glam, modern, and boho details.  I do enjoy mixing styles a bit, but overall I like to create a space that’s chic.  What do you think of the space?  While I was putting it together, my boyfriend so adorably requested that I put in a grill, haha!  No no, so sorry, there’s no room for your grill.  In all seriousness though, a grill would be badass and it’s certainly on my outdoor-must-haves list.

And just for fun, I want to share some seriously inspiring outdoor spaces I’ve been admiring.  Which of these outdoor spaces would you want for your own?

Neutral outdoor space


Outdoor deck

Rooftop patio

Mid-Century Texan Outback

Colorful Patio


Images: 1 | 2 | 3 | 45 | 6


10 comments on “Patio Style”

  1. I don’t have an outdoor patio either but these sure are making me wish I did! Our only space outside is our front porch and that’s my “workshop” :) It could probably use a little makeover!

  2. Fun to dream about beautiful outdoor spaces, isn’t it? Great minds think alike. I just wrote about adding outdoor drapes, etc. for shade and it’s all I can think about today. Which fabric should I buy or should I just add a very large umbrella? My deck gets a large amount of afternoon sun so I am trying to figure out how to deal with it this year.
    Hope you’re doing great, Amy!

  3. What a great mood board! The style is fabulous as usual, and I especially love the chair and elephant. Our landlords just gave us permission to build a little faux patio in the space next to our garage, I’m so excited!

  4. I have a patio, but am having trouble finding affordable things to furnish it with. Why is patio furniture so expensive??? I love your chair option from CB2 and that is one of the more reasonably priced chairs I have seen. I think IKEA had an option like that last year, but they are not carrying it this year (and I have been kicking myself for months that I didn’t buy them last year).

  5. I’ve been thinking about giving our kind of sad little patio set a bit of an update. I really love the pillows you chose. (And totally recognized the one from Emily Henderson. I love her style!)

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