05/10 Life

My Workout Routine

Something pretty different today, and here’s why I’m talking about it: fitness is a very big and very important part of my life, so much that I can owe it for my regular everyday functioning in the same way someone might say that about coffee, but it’s also a lot more.  I’ve shared a lot of snippets of my workouts on Snapchat and got a few questions from some of you about what exactly I do, so that gave me a welcome gentle kick in the butt to share this with you (thank you!)

The rest of this will make more sense if I start by talking about my past relationship with fitness.  For most of my existence, I’ve regarded the gym as punishment, as a reminder of my difficulties with losing weight, and generally as something I didn’t like.  I played sports in high school, and in college I danced, but once I graduated I didn’t keep up with any kind of physical activity.  I went 6 years without regular exercise and a membership to a gym I never went to before I decided I needed to change that.

My biggest excuse for not going to the gym prior (other than that I hate the gym) was that I didn’t have time, which was crap, but as I was about to enter flexible work hours that would make it possible for me to workout in the mornings + wanted to counter the more sedentary lifestyle that working from home would result in + reached the height of my frustration with the weight I gained since college and general lethargy that seemed to be taking over me, I took the encouragement I received from a couple friends to try ClassPass and give good effort towards trying different workout options and figuring out what I like.  It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made and it completely changed my relationship with fitness forever.

I’ve been using ClassPass for 8 months now and I’ve learned the following things:

    1. Turns out that I like a lot of different workout activities.
    2. Having a trainer makes a huge, positive difference.
    3. Working out with a group of people also makes a huge, positive difference.
    4. A class cancellation fee pretty much shuts up any excuses I might make the morning-of to not go, which is excellent.
    5. I need variety in order to stay motivated about fitness.
    6. A good workout is equal parts mental and physical, and I love it for both.  That was a longer way of saying the more challenging, the better.

The ClassPass limitation of only being able to visit the same studio 3 times max per month forced me to visit a ton of studios, but the good thing is that I’ve found my favorites and came up with a rough schedule to regularly rotate through.

Monday: HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)– My favorite because it makes me feel the most accomplished.  One minute I’m doing sprint intervals on the treadmill and the next I’m lifting weights while my heart is still pounding out of my throat and then back and forth and so on.  It’s a very rewarding feeling to me.

Tuesday: Pilates Reformer- This is the hardest class I go to.  It doesn’t look like much, but the isometric movements, holds, pulses, all the variations create a fire and pain unlike anything else.  I have yet to get through a class without collapsing or crumbling, so I regard being able to conquer this as an ultimate mark of strength.  I will do it!!  I’ve also heard from other seasoned students that this class just doesn’t get easier haha.

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: Boxing– Aside from this being a very good sweat, I go because it’s especially fun.  There’s a flow and rhythm that’s necessary for doing the combos, almost like dancing.  I’m not terribly great at it, but the few times I’ve felt the flow were so satisfying.  I always leave wanting more.

Friday: Circuit Training- I love the fast pace of this type of class, rotating through different stations of calisthenics and weightlifting in 60, 45, or 30 second intervals.  Because of the short amount of time spent at each station, I like to lift heavier weights for this class.

Saturday: HIIT

Sunday: Rest

I’ll throw in Barre, Cycling, or Yoga on a rest day if I’m not too sore or when I’ve used up all my days at my favorite studios.  These classes are not my favorite, though I still like them, but I personally don’t find them as engaging as the ones that I go to regularly.  A good thing to note: the trainer/instructor is SO important for anything.  I’ve visited studios I didn’t like only to go again for a different instructor’s class and realize it was just the first instructor I wasn’t vibing with.

I didn’t want this to turn into a ClassPass review, but for those of you who were curious and considering it, I think it’s worth every penny of the expensive monthly fee if you’re feeling lost like I was over how to stay motivated about exercising regularly, though totally, it isn’t for everyone and you won’t know until you try.  I’ve known for a long time I should try it and always thought agh it’s too expensive, but now having experienced all the benefits, the membership fee is virtually non-existent to me.  I thought I’d find a studio I loved the most and just get membership there when I did, but the ClassPass fee is less than any studio I go to (for now!) plus as I mentioned before, it’s the variety that I love so much about how I workout right now.


What started out as hope for optimal weight loss has turned into something I enjoy so much that I can’t live without it, which is ludicrous to have believed could happen to a gym-hating-didn’t-workout-for-6-years girl.  I’m hardly the skinniest I’ve been in years, but I’m the strongest I’ve ever been.  Continually getting stronger has become my motivation to keep going, which has done very positive things not only for my body image but also for my mental perseverance with everything in life.  It gets me out of bed in the morning, it starts my day feeling like I’ve already accomplished so much (extra vital on days when I get nothing done, it happens), and sometimes it’s the only social interaction I’ll get in a day HA.  That work at home life…

I feel so strongly about this idea of “finding what you like” for opening the door to the joys of exercising that I want to extend my encouragement to you if you’re feeling anything like how I was 8 months ago or prior.  Or, if you’ve already made your strides past that point and are on a regimen you love, I want to say congrats and GO YOU, it’s not easy!  Any questions or if you want to share anything about your relationship with fitness, I’d love to hear it!

05/05 Life

April Highlights

April was nuts!  It appears as though that also means it was a great month, which it was, how about that.  Spent a lot of time with friends and family, the best kind of time there is, and did a little bit of traveling, the second best kind of time there is.


Other than going to Coachella once before, I’ve never spent real time in Palm Springs until this past month for a little blogger meet-up to just hangout, eat, and drink.  How chill is that!  A few of the ladies were going to be in town and organized the genius idea of gathering everyone nearby for a short stay at The Saguaro.  There were only a couple ladies I hadn’t met before who were so good to finally meet, and seeing everyone else again is always a good time.  Recognize any of your favorite DIY bloggers here?

I’m very into the type of vacation where you just stay at the hotel and hang out by the pool.  I figure part of it is my strong homebody tendencies, but also I think being able to relax this way is one of the biggest luxuries I can think of.  I’m all for adventure and exploration too, but quiet times like these are so rare and delicious.

We visited a few of the other hotels in the area, The ACE Hotel being my favorite I mean look at this cute little pergola.  I’m for sure staying here next time I come back.

Random: this photo only exists because I was with a group of bloggers physically adjusting and instructing me on how to pose strongly encouraging me to take a photo in front of this wall because I pointed out how much I liked it.  This would never happen with any other group of people I know haha, hello.  This wall is at The ACE Hotel, love.

We also visited The Parker which was gorgeous and where I’d want to stay the time after next time I come here.  I learned that Jonathan Adler designed the place, which made a lot of sense right when I saw the lobby but boo I didn’t take a photo of that, oh well.



I don’t do DIY events often at all.  I’ve only done private events so far, and this one that I did for the Love Culture x Zero UV blogger brunch was booked through my friends that work at Love Culture.

It was a very cute and intimate event with a group of fashion bloggers, and aside from teaching them all how to make my yarn hanging DIY, I really enjoyed helping set up for the event to where I was like hmm I think I’d really love doing day-of-event styling in general, and then I fantasized about it some more.

I’m a dope and forgot to get a group photo with everyone, but I got this one with Stephanie and Christina.  I danced on a competitive team with them in college, and they’re the kind souls that invited me to do my DIY thing for this event.  We all struggled a bit trying to hold the yarn hangings right.



I visit Chicago regularly because my boyfriend’s family is there, and the other plus is that this is where I lived for the first 18 years of my life, so I have a very soft spot for the place.  Each time we come we stay with family and hang out with them in the good ol’ burbs, which we were apparently so busy with last month that this is the only photo I took, dangit.  We were in the city for one afternoon and stopped by Colombe for some very good coffee, made extra good by how it was rain-snowing outside.  That weather.

I’ll have to snap a photo of my childhood home next time just for fun and share that with you guys, which is now occupied by strangers and would totally not be creepy at all for me to do that.



I turned 29 on April 24th.  I remember looking up at 29 year olds and thinking man that’s so old and adult, but I’m here now and still feel like I haven’t passed into “adulthood”, which I’m slowly discovering is a made up thing (it is, right??) or at least the concept of defining a moment of passage into adulthood is very lofty, and perhaps I’m just not there yet to know what that’s like.  I’m really feeling like quoting lyrics from John Mayer’s “No Such Thing” but I’ll spare you that.

A few friends drove down from SF to visit my birthday weekend and we pretty much partied every night like we were 21 again.  It was fun, but also a solid reminder that I’m not 21 anymore HA.  Seriously, I can’t ever do that again… but I’ll hold it in my box of fond memories.  We all danced on the same team in college (same one I previously mentioned) and one of the big competitions was the same weekend, so we visited the kids on the team now and had a bit of a reunion with other alumni.  It goes on every year and I always look forward to it.  I also took no photos of that, surprise, but you saw it on Snapchat if you’re following me on there!

Boyfriend missed most of the festivities because he was in Germany visiting some family, but he returned the night before my birthday and brought back a gigantic box of these German chocolates and they’re amazing.  I’ve been eating many a day and we still have a bunch left.  I just ate a couple when I started writing this post.

We had a little b-day celebration at this cooking school place and took a sushi class, which was very cute and fun because there was a ton of food, beer, and sake and pretty much everyone else was a couple celebrating a birthday, but I’d be curious to take a class at one of those sushi academies next time.  Sushi is my FAVORITE, like I’ll eat it till I’m sick.  Eating is generally my favorite too.

Each birthday someone always asks if I feel different and the short answer is no if we’re talking about if I feel older.  I think in the past I used to have a lot more anxiety over acknowledging each passing year because I felt insecure about what I have or haven’t accomplished in my life, but I guess what feels different now is that all that crap feels so much less daunting than it used to, in light of all the good people that I’m surrounded by and having so much to look forward to in the near future.  A friend and mentor of mine described leaving her 20’s as a very good time in life, where she stopped caring so much about what other people think and felt the most at peace with doing her thing in whatever way she wanted.  I’m feeling that way too, now.  I guess I do feel different!


05/03 Our Apartment

Coffee Table Styling

monochrome living room 2

Something occurred to me… I’ve never shown you this much of my living room before!  With trying to replace a lot of what was in this room that were things we had since around when we were in college, it took about two years of mistakes, fixing regretful choices, and figuring out our style to get to this point and yet we’re still not finished, though that’s another thing- it ain’t ever finished.

I’m still working on figuring out our “entryway”, and possibly updating our TV gallery wall, but for now we’ve got a good amount of things to share on how we’re progressing in this room, including some coffee table styling I did in partnership with West Elm!

Monochrome living room

The box frame marble coffee table is made of my dreams, and while I’m crazy for the minimal design, I have stuff that needs storing, so this is what we currently do to take care of that.

coffee table top

In an ideal world, a coffee table with nothing on or around it would be pretty convenient for not having to deal with clutter, but we live here, so we use this lacquer box to tuck away those clutter-prone items like remotes, coasters, and matches.

coffee table basket-2We usually keep the box on top of the table, but when we want the extra table top space we’ll throw it into the basket underneath that holds throw blankets and also the coffee table books if we want to clear those off too.

coffee table basket-3

To make it all more pretty, I always love to keep flowers and candles around, which applies to most situations for me.  They tie everything together into being decor instead of being just stuff!

I get a lot of questions about where the rug is from pretty much whenever it makes any appearance anywhere, so let’s talk about that.  It’s the Tuscan Moroccan Shag Rug from RugsUSA and it’s as soft and comfortable as it looks.  It does shed and needs maintenance with that, but completely worth it for being exactly what I envisioned for our living room.  An important note: a rug pad is a must for gripping the rug to the floor, otherwise it will slip and slide around.

marble coffee table-2

This shot gives some context about where my corner workspace is located, which is also a first that I’m showing you.  Literally just a corner in my living room.  If you didn’t catch that feature, you can see the entire workspace here.

Like I said, it took us so. long. to get this point but it’s turning out better than I had hoped.  It’s both minimal and comfortable, simple and monochrome, everything that I love, and I’d say I really did need all this time to pick the wrong sofa then wait for the right one and other time-consuming mistakes figure that out and make it work for us.

After finishing other smaller projects in here, I’ll finally be tackling the rest of our bedroom which has been the hardest one to do.  More on that later!


SOURCES: coffee table | box | basket | vase | candle holder | side table | chair | pillow | art | rug | planter | book | bookcase | lamp

05/02 DIY

DIY Stones and Beads Necklaces

DIY stone and bead necklaces

Jewelry DIYs.  I don’t do them often!  The last and only one I did were these bracelets, which I still wear, so maybe I simply haven’t found the need to expand my collection ha.  My preferences on accessorizing have also drastically changed over time.  I used to strive for having the largest arsenal possible for never-repeating daily accessory combos, but now I crave just having a few good staple pieces that I can wear everyday with anything.  That pretty much explains everything for what my jewelry style is- simple, dainty, and classic.

PBteen asked me to come up with an easy necklace DIY for teens to make for their moms this Mother’s Day, and I kept all those things in mind for it.  With these few easy steps and techniques, the combos and variations can really cover all accessorizing styles, but I kept it very simple.  See the tutorial on the PBteen blog!

DIY- stone and beads necklaces

Stone and beads necklaces- DIY


Also, let’s take a poll because there seems to be very polarizing views on this (or did I make that up?)  Do you go the DIY route for mom gifts?  I once read somewhere that the best thing to gift a mom is rest and relaxation, but I mean shoot, everyone would love that right??  It’s certainly a personal and individual thing judging what one person would and wouldn’t want, but I’m curious to hear if you’ll be making something for mom this holiday, even if it’s breakfast.

05/01 DIY

Beginning Crochet

beginning crochet

Ooo a Sunday post!  That’s a first.

I’m popping in real quick for an update on new things I’m learning, which is a goal I always have and also what I’ve described as one of the best benefits of blogging (always learning something new!)

The yarn crafts, guys.  I love them, especially in decor for the home, and I’ve “faked” my way through some of them so far.  I got my hands on knitting not too long ago, enjoyed it a lot, and since then I’ve wanted to get into crochet too.  Actually, I’ve wanted to learn how to crochet for a very long time, but after knitting is when I became extra curious about how crochet would compare.

With this month’s Michaels Makers challenge being to take any craft class at a Michaels store, I couldn’t think of anything other than crochet for what I’d want hands-on help with learning the most.  It was my calling.


I took the beginner crochet class for making an infinity scarf, which basically involved doing a million rows of single crochet.  It’s a very basic stitch, but having an instructor there to help me was SO much better than what I imagine it would’ve been like to figure this out on my own.  Along with teaching me how it’s done, the instructor taught me how to back track when I make a mistake and also pointed out to me that I’m a “tight knitter”, which I totally noticed with knitting but didn’t think much of it back then.  What that means is that I tend to stitch too tightly, to the point where I’m struggling to get the hook through the loops, and she kept reminding me to relax my hands and provide more slack on the loops I make.

ALSO, I NEVER realized before that you can pull one end of the yarn ball from the INSIDE of the ball, that way the ball isn’t rolling around everywhere when you’re pulling out more yarn.  I face-palmed when the instructor showed me this, like how could something so simply genius and helpful not crossed my mind before.

single crochetI don’t know what it is, but crocheting is extremely relaxing, much like knitting.  I’ve been adding on rows before bed or while watching TV and it’s a real joy, honestly.  I will say… just from having to use only one crochet hook as opposed to two needles in knitting, I think I like crochet more.  There are a few crochet projects I’ve wanted to try, like potholders or a throw blanket (of course), so I think I’m going to continue onto those after finishing this scarf!

beginning crochet 2

Any of you crochet?  I know some of you are pros!  I’m surprised by how addicting it is.  I almost feel like I don’t want to go a day without doing it.  Those are some serious feelings right there.


04/29 Friday Links

Friday Finds

dresser top

Didn’t April feel like it was 10 days long?  This means in only two short months, craft stores will start carrying fall stuff D:  Ok I’m getting way ahead here, but also preparing for that inevitable wtf-it’s-barely-summer-and-there’s-pumpkin-decor-on-the-shelves-what-is-happening moment, because dang is it hard to slow down time.

Every weekend this month we’ve had something going on with friends coming to visit from out of town, and this weekend is no exception!  We’ve got a buddy staying near the beach so beach time it is.  This’ll be the start of trying to go at least every other weekend till it gets cold again perhaps?  That’s been a goal of mine pretty much for as long as I’ve lived in LA.  Why it’s so hard to keep up I don’t know (traffic and no parking, oh yea!  It’s cool, we try.)

Have a great weekend everyone!


This is totally in line with how I’ve been feeling lately: how to get over common creative fears.

New collection releasing early May from one of my favorite brands.

A thoroughly accurate look at what goes into putting a blog post together (makes me wish I worked with a team of people aah!!)

I LOVE this floral installation for a party.

I’m guilty of this.  Why you are obsessed with being busy.

Been thinking for a while I should make something like this to put above the bed!

ADORE this dreamy and minimal bedroom.