You are maybe so sick of hearing about this but you still might have a strong opinion on it and I want to know about it. This Instagram stories thing has me all riled up. My first reaction to the news was heck yes IG is now a one stop shop, but seeing how wayyyy more people will now see the story on IG that I would’ve posted for a more intimate group on Snapchat, I’m finding myself almost feeling afraid to share the more weird or personal stuff on IG stories. Do you feel me? Read More
Travel Essentials
I’m leaving for Montreal this weekend and I’m SO PUMPED that I planned to start packing by now but haven’t started yet because that’s just what ends up happening. Only the mad rush of the last minute gets me motivated enough to pack, but through all that I’ve come to know my go-to gear, my essentials for simple organization and comfort while keeping style in mind.
July Highlights
The hottest, sweatiest month yet, amiright? Spent a ton of time outdoors which is a super favorite, but also I’d like to stop melting! It’s a tug between loving the slower times of summer and wishing for the best season of them all (Fall. You love it too, I know.)
Here were some of the best moments of last month!
I try to go to every maker market event I possibly can and Renegade Craft Fair was the big one of summer. I LOVE seeing the works of other makers and my favorite discovery by far was Lustered Walnut oh my goodnessssssssssssss. Some of the prettiest pottery I’ve ever seen. This photo is garbage compared to how gorgeous these pieces are in person. Also, this was by far the hottest day of summer I remember it SO clearly. Read More
Monstera Art Free Printable
A couple things here! One, I’ve always loved botanical art and even more love if it can be Scandi and minimal in style. Two, my monstera is a beast and it’s my favorite living green thing in this home, so much that I literally took a photo of one of the leaves and turned it into this free printable so that you can have a piece of my monster monstera in your home too. I for sure agree that art can be simple to make, doesn’t need to be so serious, and easiest of all can be printed thanks to Canon who partnered with me to bring you this free printable! Read More
Sources for Everything in My Workspace
On to my workspace for the next part in this mini series I’m doing for the sources for everything in my home! This space is my favorite, where I spend most of my time working, and also houses some of my favorite things, a lot of which are props for styling blog content as well as storage for supplies and tools.
I’ve had a few people comment that it looks like a shop and I’m totally not going to deny I took inspiration from some favorite stores. Because this is a corner of my living room, I prioritized making it decorative to fit in with the rest of the room without sacrificing function. I really had to declutter and purge what was here before to make it all fit and it was for sure one of the most satisfying things I’ve accomplished in this home (second to decluttering the bedroom!) Did I really need to keep notes from my college Chemistry Lab? Why were they still in my old desk??
No, it doesn’t always look this clean, like with anything. On any given day you’ll see notes and papers sprawled all over the top of the desk, but the drawers in the desk make it really easy for me to clear things off and organize them inside when I get around to it. I’m working on making that more regular, ha!
Starting with the main pieces of furniture:
Friday Finds
My head is already a couple of weeks ahead because I’ll be going to Montreal for the first time ever, and also it’s my first time out of the country in over a decade, and I’m raging with excitement. So if you know, pleeease tell me what I should do and where to stay while I’m there! I need all the suggestions and help you can give so lay it down in the comments below if you can. You guys are always so helpful when it comes to these things, many thanks!! Read More