09/26 Design

New Blog Design + What’s New Around Here


AAH!  It’s here!!  I’m SO excited to share with you guys something that’s been worked hard on behind the blog for a while now.  Forever ago I put it in the plans to update this site , which took some time to figure out exactly what I wanted because while there was a lot I liked about the previous design, there was much to be improved on, and the geniuses over at Blogzilla helped me bring more function to the site while keeping everything more streamlined and minimal. Read More

09/19 DIY

DIY Clay Bowl


I learned about pinch pots in pottery class, which are an easy way to make clay bowls in the sense that they don’t require a lot of skill or materials, but to bring this craft home where most of us don’t have a kiln, air dry clay is the best option though it can be finicky.  It has more of a putty texture and doesn’t smooth as easily, but this can be handled by frequently wetting your hands as you work with the clay to keep it moist, so keep that in mind for this DIY.  It takes patience and a lot of love, but it’s equally cool and an easy first step in hand building clay projects! Read More

09/16 Friday Links

Friday Finds

travel-styleHey!  Quiet week here on the blog so it feels good to check in with ya- how’s it goin??  I spent Sunday to Wednesday in Carmel for the Michaels Makers Summit and somehow thought I’d have some time to work on the blog while there but you know how that goes… I opted for unplugging and hanging out with bloggy buddies, most of which I see once a year at best, and it was such an incredible time.  I’ll share more about it in my upcoming September highlights post in case some of you weren’t already so sick of seeing that on Snapchat! Read More

09/08 Inspiring Spaces

Black Houses

Being an apartment dweller I never think much about curb appeal, and while I’m pretty sure our future house is more likely to be white, I fantasize about having a black exterior.  Most of the ones I’ve seen that have made me stop breathing are some sort of cottage cabin farmhouse and the boldness of the black makes them so alluring and modern.  Many take after Danish summer houses, which are timely for this confused seasonal transition where we’re excited for fall but down to take an idyllic look back at summer.  Let’s.

black-patio Read More

09/06 Life

August Highlights

rp_clooney.jpgThe last full month of summer!  At first I was feeling like not a whole lot happened in August, but then I go to write this post and I’m like dang that was a good month.  That’s exactly why I love doing this. Read More

09/02 Friday Links

Friday Finds

palm trees

We’re headed to Chicago for the long weekend to visit O’s family which will be the first time since our engagement, which didn’t happen that long ago but it’s still fun to think of time in that way ha!  It’s a pretty regular trip we take and I’m always excited to see everyone + reunite with my beautiful hometown.  We won’t be doing much other than hanging out with family, which means no jam-packed itinerary or extensive exploring and more like eating Italian beef sandwiches and DQ dipped cones.  I travel with my stomach in the driver’s seat. Read More