11/01 DIY

DIY Knit Potholders


Knitting is SO relaxing.  It’s easy to make the excuse that I don’t have time to knit (or anything else, apparently my favorite excuse for everything) but when I finally got myself to start on this DIY that I’ve wanted to do for so long, I couldn’t stop until I was done.  I was up late working on a deadline for something else and found myself reaching over for my needles instead to finish a second one of these potholders, reasoning I could do it real quick and it would be like taking a break.

Unlike that knit blanket last year that took me a lifetime to complete, these really can be pretty quick to do, especially using a thicker cord that doesn’t require as many rows to be done.  I was inspired by these potholders which I not only thought were cool because of the leather handles but because they looked like they’d be easy to recreate, even for a beginner like me.  Definitely an excellent beginner knitting project with the bonus that it’s really useful for the home and cute! Read More

10/28 Friday Links

Friday Finds

Earlier this week, something possessed me to take a look in my blog comments trash folder for what I think was the first time ever, and in it I found hundreds of legitimate comments from you guys over the past year and a half that I didn’t know existed because they unknowingly bypassed my approval.  UGH.  I felt devastated. Read More

10/25 Printables / Seasonal/Holiday

Treat Box Printable


I was at a candy shop where I found packaged goodies like these and thought they were adorable EXCEPT that what was inside is one of my least favorite candies of all time.  I’m just going to say it: candy corn is awful and I don’t understand it.  I went ahead and got it anyway though so I could pick apart the packaging and recreate my own version that would involve a much better candy: dark chocolate peanut butter cups from Trader Joe’s, anyone??  Let me know if you’d still prefer candy corn and why- I really do want to understand why it’s so loved!

These are super cute and easy to put together for Halloween, especially for those of us who can’t handle the scarier traditions of this holiday (everything scares me) and I’ve partnered with Canon to share this free printable that can really be used for any occasion where you want to hand out treats as favors! Read More

10/21 Shop

Etsy Favs: Modern Ceramics


I’m going to say without thinking further that there’s nothing more beautiful + functional for the home and no one should be without them.  Ceramics make life better.  I’ve talked enough about how much I love learning pottery and want to make ceramics only forever, and a lot of this obsession involves looking at a ton with the hopes that the more I look the more I’ll be able to make equally pretty things, but more likely I’ll end up just buying them, which is cool too.  So all that looking brings us here to sharing some of my favs, all from Etsy which houses some pretty amazing ceramicists.  Check them out!: Read More

10/17 Seasonal/Holiday / Tips

5 Tips to Set a Simple and Modern Tablescape


Fall kicks off all the best celebrations of the year (amiright?) and I get most excited about decorating for them.  Eating is extremely exciting too, but decorating comes first!  I like prioritizing simplicity in decorating not only because that’s my jam and I love it most, but because I’ve found it’s generally less fuss and less stressful, which is what I imagine most of us appreciating during the cray holiday season.  Whether you want to achieve this style or apply a few of these concepts to the plans you already have, read on for 5 simple tips for a modern minimal tablescape I’m sharing in partnership with AllModern: Read More

10/12 DIY

DIY Marbled Leather Coasters


This is what happened.  It starts about a couple years ago when I tried to marble candles with nail polish and it failed horribly and I became 1000% sure I’d never try that again.  This year, as I was brainstorming pumpkin decorating ideas, I wondered if there was a way to marble pumpkins with something other than nail polish.  I found marbling paint, tried it, didn’t work, and went back to being 1000% sure I’d never try marbling again.  I was close to tossing the bottle of marbling paint until curiosity had me read the label, where it advised to use on porous surfaces only (oops) and listed several examples, such as leather. Read More