09/16 Friday Links

Friday Finds

travel-styleHey!  Quiet week here on the blog so it feels good to check in with ya- how’s it goin??  I spent Sunday to Wednesday in Carmel for the Michaels Makers Summit and somehow thought I’d have some time to work on the blog while there but you know how that goes… I opted for unplugging and hanging out with bloggy buddies, most of which I see once a year at best, and it was such an incredible time.  I’ll share more about it in my upcoming September highlights post in case some of you weren’t already so sick of seeing that on Snapchat!

With Chicago and Carmel back to back, it’s very good to be back home and I’m here to stay.  Regular blog stuff resumes on Monday!  As ALWAYS, thanks for sticking around.  Have a wonderful weekend <3.


In case you were wondering, most things in the photo above of some things I packed for Carmel aren’t even listed on sites anymore, but the hat is here and the bag is here!

One last summer party?  This life is my dream.

Yea, let’s also start thinking fall tablescapes.

All of the bedding.

Home tour of the week.  Hard to choose a favorite part, but the bedroom details are calling me.

The cutest patterned DIY

How to be yourself.



Photo from my Instagram.

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4 comments on “Friday Finds”

    1. The photography is so so amazing. I considered for a second that maybe it’s the photography I like most but the party itself is undeniably perfect!

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