04/10 Friday Links

Friday Finds

OG Coachella

First, an IMMENSE thank you to everyone that weighed in on my post from earlier this week about blog life, and still a thank you to anyone that came by and showed up for it.  I’m feeling 9,365 times better because of you and cannot begin to express how grateful I am for you guys.  Y’all are seriously the reason I don’t completely lose my mind <3.

I’ll be in Palm Springs this weekend for Coachella as a first-timer, and while my initial reaction was to feel stressed about how this would be another weekend where I wouldn’t be able to take care of  blog stuff, I somewhat got over that once I learned that the Air BnB we’re staying at would have a pool.  We gotta see the best in everything, yea?  Anyways, here are some of my favorite links from the week to get you through the rest of your Friday before we all head off for some weekend fun.

I shared the photo above on Instagram and so many of you were really feeling that bathing suit.  Old Navy, guys.

The best DIY luggage tags there ever were.

It’s always fascinating to watch someone be a master at their craft.  I would like to watch this all day.

There’s no question my future home bathroom will be black, white, and brass.

Possibly my favorite clock DIY yet.

Another glam home tour I love.

I’ve never tried bath bombs, but maybe it’s time I did by making some…

GAME. OF. THRONES.  Life will be normal again this Sunday.


Really though, any Game of Thrones fans out there? I’m CRAZY excited for it to come back!

Happy weekend, friends.  See you back here on Monday for a quick and easy DIY :).

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