08/24 DIY

DIY Gold Pattern Desk Organizers

DIY gold pattern desk organizers

Once upon a time, almost every DIY I did involved gold spray paint.  Let’s have a little throwback today, shall we?  For back-to-school with PBteen, I took inspiration from an old favorite DIY of mine and did a little bit of an updated version with different designs.  Just a good and simple repurpose of jars, dishes, or bowls (I found mine at Crate and Barrel) to make desk organization pretty.  Find the tutorial at the PBteen blog!

Gold desk organizers DIY

DIY Gold desk organizers

It’s been a while since I’ve been in school, and at first I missed the back-to-school shopping but then realized… any day can be back-to-school shopping now, ha.  Who else is always looking for a pretty addition for their desk or work space?

Sources: marble box | gold binder clips | stapler | calendar: Target

26 comments on “DIY Gold Pattern Desk Organizers”

  1. I find that my taste in things change a bit as time goes on and I can’t really settle for one option. I used to be really into gold as well, especially during Christmas time. But now I’m really into brass/copper and am constantly on the lookout for things to add to my desk!

    1. Totally, and it’s not that I ever stopped liking something necessarily (that sometimes happens though). My “it” thing kind of just always changes, like how recently marble has been all over the brain, and last Christmas it was all about gold, and fall I was all on that copper. We go through phases!

  2. Oooh, I love how a little glitzy gold spray paint makes these guys so glam :) I’ve noticed that my style has changed so much even in the past few months, but it’s good to always have old standbys that you know will work every time!

    1. Thanks, Amy! Yea, I feel like I’m constantly evolving/changing/adding tastes, which makes sense for being in a fast-paced environment like the blog world!

  3. I’m totally in LOVE with your blog!!!! Could you tell me where I can find the gold shears and those super “cuterific” ink pens!?! Thanks!!

    1. Hi Steph! Spray paint is generally not waterproof, and it will come off from glass if scraped/rubbed at, which is why it’s best used for decorative purposes such as these desk organizers.

  4. Love, love, love this! Where did you get the containers that you painted? They are the perfect size! I can’t find anything I like as well as these. Thank you!

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