05/01 DIY

DIY Gold Goblet Planter

DIY Gold Goblet Planter

Let’s call this week planter week, shall we?  I really hope you guys aren’t getting tired of all this recent plant talk, but in case you are, fear not!  This will be the last one for a while, unless of course inspiration holds me hostage, because I’ll be real… almost every container or vessel I come across makes me think about how I can turn it into a planter.  It’s a sickness, and especially if you’re always rolling through the Target dollar spot like I am, there’s tons of planter inspiration to be found, like this one:

Target plastic goblet

A $1 plastic goblet that I can spray paint gold and turn into a planter?  Oh heck yes!  And that’s basically what I did.

Decorating a gobletI sprayed two coats of my favorite gold spray paint (affiliate link) and then used a black Sharpie to draw on a design inspired by my Nate Berkus vase that made an appearance here.

Gold Goblet PlanterOf course I had to plant my donkey tail burrito (yes, that’s the name, no typos here) in it, which I had mentioned in my succulent haul as being the one I was most excited to find a planter for.  I knew I wanted something elevated for it, and while I think it would have been fun to plant it in something with a face, I think this turned out to be a pretty cool and spontaneous alternative.  Besides, gold <3.

Bonus: this would make an adorable gift, maybe even for that holiday coming up soon (Mother’s Day:  Sunday, May 11th.  This is your official reminder!)

I cut up a gift tag out of card stock, applied Washi tape on one end, wrote a tiny message on it, and tied it around the base of the goblet with twine.

Gift tag

DIY Gold Goblet Planter with Gift TagWouldn’t this make such an adorable addition to your Mother’s Day brunch table?  Or if not for Mother’s day, this could be such a cute hostess gift.  The message on the tag for that would probably be different though, ha!  Or maybe not!

Happy Friday eve, everyone!  Will you be up to any planting shenanigans this weekend?  Celebrating Cinco De Mayo?  Prepping for Mother’s day (for those of you who are really on top of your game)?  Whatever your plans, I hope it’s a beautiful weekend <3.

12 comments on “DIY Gold Goblet Planter”

  1. How does the spray paint hold up? I have tried several times to spray paint plastic and after it has dried I can scrape the paint off with minimal effort just with a fingernail. It never holds up. Do you have any tips?

    1. Hi Rebecca!

      Something I do to help spray paint hold up is to apply a few layers of clear acrylic spray on top.

      There is advice out there to use spray primer, but I personally don’t or rarely use it because I find that it dulls the finish of the spray paint, which I mind especially when using metallic spray paint. If I’m spray painting something purely decorative like this goblet that won’t be handled a lot, I’ll just spray paint it and call it a day. If it’s something that will be rubbed up against more often, I’ll spray a clear top coat. So far all my spray painted decor has held up well.

      Hope this helps!

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