08/18 DIY

DIY Abstract Black and White Art

DIY Abstract Black and White ArtProject art gallery wall begins!  If you didn’t see my Blog Hop post, I mentioned there that I’m working on putting up a gallery wall around our TV, and to help the process along (and have some fun) I’ll be making some of my own wall art.  So far I’m pretty decided on keeping the art abstract, bold, and geometric.

The great thing about abstract art is that it doesn’t have to look like anything, and what could be less restricting than that?  Sometimes though, I get it… it can be easier if there’s something you’re trying to make your art look like, some guidelines at least.  So while this is an original abstract piece, technically I had guidelines to help me make it.  I found those guidelines here:

DressInspiration really is everywhere, guys.  I loved the design on this dress so much that it didn’t take long for me to start thinking that I should recreate a similar look for wall art.  I also knew it would be really simple to do since the color palette is monochromatic, and the messier the brush strokes, the better it would look.

-photo frame
-poster board
-black acrylic paint
-flat head paint brush

Flat head paintbrushI went with a flat head brush to make thicker strokes, which is probably the only aspect of this project I can give the most definitive instructions on since the actual painting part really has no right or wrong way about it.  Because of that, this won’t make much of a tutorial, but let me try anyway!


I traced the photo frame insert onto some poster board and cut it out to be the “canvas”.  Then using black acrylic paint, I roughly recreated the same shapes that were on my dress, being careful not to overload the brush with too much paint so that the strokes would show more.

paint strokes

I also wasn’t afraid to go over strokes again to make them thicker as I pleased.  I tweaked strokes here and there until I was satisfied.

Black and White ArtI tell ya, anything can be art if you put it in a frame!  Truth, after I finished I was just like ok this is fine, but when I put it in a frame I was like oh ok this is NICE.

Abstract Black and White Art

I like it.  I like it a lot.  Really loving how it looks here on top of my book case, though it won’t be staying here…

Abstract Black and White Art CThere’s definitely going to be more black and white in the gallery, and probably some prints I’ve had my eyes on for a while and am spending some final moments asking myself if I’m sure that I really want them before pulling the trigger.  You know how that is.

So now I’d love to know… any favorite sources for art?  Etsy shops?  Artists?  I’ve been perusing so many different options and am still itching to browse even more.  I keep thinking I know what I want, then I see something else and totally want to change my plans.  This might be a while…

*psst* In case you were wondering about the floral monogram, you can find my tutorial here on how to make it!


35 comments on “DIY Abstract Black and White Art”

  1. This is so cool. When I saw the shot of your dress I thought the tutorial was gonna involve cutting it up, haha. Just wondering, as I’m a new reader, did you make that A as well?

  2. Love this idea Amy! So simple and easy to do, but looks so professional – like store bought! My place is monochromatic as well (with hints of mint) and I have been searching up and down home good stores for the perfect wall art. I think I will attempt an abstract piece like this! Thanks for the inspiration and amazing idea!

    1. Thanks, Amie! I’m flattered you think it looks professional! And I totally know what you mean about searching for perfect wall art… it’s really, really hard, sometimes impossible because it’s so rare that someone else perfectly created what you envisioned in your head. Let me know how your artwork turns out!

  3. This is sooooo good! Saw the dress and I had to come see what it inspired. I love abstract art and this is very “Amy”- so chic and fabulous :)

  4. This is so pretty! Love your take on B&W art. Pinning! I’m creating something of a gallery wall right now, too. My approach is to mix DIY art, prints (I just bought one on Minted but I also am looking at Etsy), photos and unique pieces for a collected feel. Looking forward to seeing how yours comes together!

    1. Yeaaaaa, a collected feel! I keep tossing between that and something curated with coordinating shapes and colors in mind… the latter feels much harder to do because I like too many random things. I’m looking forward to seeing how yours turns out as well! Thanks, Jennifer!

  5. Of course this was going to be amazing! I love it. It’s looks great against the decorated wall. Like complimenting and contradicting each other at the same time. Wonderful! x

    1. Aw thank you, Fran!! I’m glad you mentioned how it looked next to the striped wall. I was thinking that they looked good together because of how they mismatched!

  6. I love the idea of taking inspiration from clothing/fabric to create your own art. It turned out great, and I can.not.wait to see how your gallery wall turns out!

    1. Thanks, Rachel! And I’m also pretty excited to see how it turns out because so far I’ve been pretty darn indecisive about everything :P.

  7. “It doesn’t have to look like anything” LOL on the abstract art definition. I think that’s the fun part of most of my hobby art is not even knowing myself what I’m creating. I usually make choices and figure it out by the end though.

    I love the black and white!

    Anne – Painter Buckeye Arizona

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