01/27 DIY

Decorating a Planner Cover

Planner cover decorating

I’m very particular about what I want in a planner and though it’s all very simple, this is the first time I have ever come across one that covered everything on my list.  There was only one issue, or for a DIY’er, it’s the funnest part- the cover was blank.

Sugarpaper LA Planner

I’ve checked out the Sugar Paper LA line at Target a few times before, but I didn’t come across this particular  planner until a recent trip.  The blank cover is unfortunately very boring, but an easy fix.  I took inspiration from the rest of the Sugar Paper designs and set out to decorate the cover myself.

Of course I went with gold.

I started by typing “2014” in a Word document using the font Engravers MT.  After printing it out and cutting it down, I taped it to a piece of gold adhesive vinyl (affiliate link) with painters tape.

2014 numbers

I cut out the numbers with an X-acto knife, then peeled off the vinyl to stick onto the planner. Right about now I’m screaming at myself to get a Silhouette already.

For the polka dots, I used a regular hole puncher to punch out holes in the gold vinyl.

Gold vinyl polka dots

I very roughly planned out where I was going to put the polka dots and used a ruler to help stick on the dots equidistantly.

Polka dot planner

Simple and gold, just how I like it.  I also like how it’s fairly consistent with the inside, which I guess I should probably show you since I’ve talked so much about it.

Planner month

See the polka dots?  Always a sucker for those.  First off, this planner is the size of a regular notebook, which I prefer the larger space to write on.  Second, there are tabs for each month- major plus!  And for the months, the weeks start on Sunday, NOT Monday.  I’ve seen too many planners that start on Monday and I will never, ever get used to it.  Tell me I’m not alone on this!

Week in planner

This is the most critical part of a planner for me.  The weekly pages come right after each month.  Yes!  I feel like this is harder to find than it should be.  I need to have everything for the month all in the same tab.  And this Notes page that comes after each week is killer.   The large space is perfect for how I often need to jot down random things, ideas, or lists.  Perfect.

All these features, in addition to a simple, no frills design, makes this planner my favorite ever.

What do you think?  What are your must have features in a planner?

39 comments on “Decorating a Planner Cover”

  1. I bought the same exact one but the light teal and gold version! Absolutely loving it as well : ) Target is already a dangerous store (for my wallet) to walk around in, and the Sugarpaper line just made it more trouble!

  2. Such a pretty re-do and no one could ever tell if you bought it like that or not. I’m with you on large planners, I hate having to squish it all in and then not being able to read it later lol.

  3. So, I bought bought the hot pink Sugarpaper planner from Target and although it already has 2014 written on it, I keep thinking that I should find a way to add polka dots. Stop reading mind!! Haha but thank you for coming up with a solution :).

  4. This is SO cute, Amy! I totally need this. Stopping by to let you know your planner will be one of my features from the Frugal Crafty Home Blog Hop. Please stop by on Sunday @ 8pm C and grab your featured button and link up any new posts you have. Have a lovely evening!

  5. I want a silhouette so bad too! I cannot believe how good you can cut using an X-acto knife. I could never do that! This looks amazing, I love the gold and black. Great fabulous job as usual

  6. Just stopping by to let you know that I’ve featured your post as a host favourite in the Share Your Stuff Tuesdays link party. Thanks for sharing! Hope to see some more great posts again!

    Jenn @ 550westmount.blogspot.ca

  7. Hi Amy,
    Your planner looks so good with a little bling! I’m a big fan of gold as well. My planner was missing only one thing; monthly calendar tabs, but it’s driving me crazy! I really like your idea of a notebook size one, so that’s what I’ll be after next year.
    p.s. – found you on I Heart Organizing

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