05/08 DIY

How to Create a Striped Accent Wall Without Paint

How to create a striped accent wall without paint.The response I’ve been getting for my work space reveal has been phenomenal.  I didn’t expect everyone to love it as much, if not more, than I do and it’s been so amazing reading all your comments and positive feedback everywhere.  Thank you all SO much for the love <3.

As I had promised, today I’m showing how I created the striped accent wall, which seems to be most everyone’s favorite part of my work space!

Here’s the secret weapon.

Black vinyl tape

Boom.  Black vinyl tape.  I got the 2 inch vinyl tape here (affiliate link) and I’m SO impressed with how this worked out.  It sticks on strong but can still be repositioned without leaving any residue behind.  Especially if you’re like me and live in a rental and don’t want to mess with painting your wall, this is absolutely the way to go.

Tape outline copy

First, I applied painters tape around the outer edges of the wall.  I’ll explain why in a little bit.

Taping around the accent wallThen I just started taping on the black vinyl tape diagonally, making sure the ends of the tape overlapped with the painters tape.  I eyeballed this mostly because my wall is actually pretty warped and uneven.  It would have killed me to try and measure things out perfectly, so I just did what looked right, occasionally stepping back far away and making sure it all looked fairly straight and evenly spaced.

Cutting Tape BAfter applying all the black tape, I cut along the inner edge of each strip of painters tape as I lifted and peeled it off.  The painters tape is there as a guide for where to cut to ensure that the ends of the black tape match up perfectly with the edges of the wall.  It did require peeling off the black tape a bit for each stripe, but once cut it just needed to be stuck back on the wall.  Neat little trick, yea?

How to create a striped accent wall without paint.I had thought of a few different options for how to fill up this wall, but this one packed the highest impact for my buck and creates a simple yet stunning focal point for my work space.  It also really helps draw the eyes up and emphasizes the high ceiling, making my little corner look just a bit bigger ;).

Was that as easy as you expected it would be?  All you need is tape and some patience.  Not bad, I say!

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24 comments on “How to Create a Striped Accent Wall Without Paint”

  1. Love this and love the simplicity! I wish I had a small wall like this to make a striped accent on, but I might have to find a place to do this anyways! Pinned.

  2. Great job! I love the bold black and white graphic look you created, and I can’t wait to try that tape somewhere in my home. I’m a renter too, so always on the lookout for easily removable decor ideas. Thanks for sharing!

  3. found you at lizmarieblog’s link party. love this! i pinned it as something to try out for my daughters’ room makeover. there’s a little recessed nook in their room where i want to create a striking accent wall.

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