12/12 Our Apartment / Seasonal/Holiday

Christmas in the Bedroom Vol. 2

Christmas in the bedroom started last year for 2 reasons: 1) I cannot contain my excitement for the holidays and Christmas decorations just to the living room and 2) I must have a real tree and putting a mini one here on the dresser works out so perfectly that there is no choice but to make it a yearly tradition.  This year I added more greens to the room, which because I didn’t do much of anything to them it all still feels simple, all while making our bedroom smell amazing.  If nothing else, I want to bask in the scent of pine for the rest of the year!

I just started paying attention to the different types of trees there are and learned that I LOVE noble fir trees that are sparser in number of branches, which is close to what we had last year but this year I couldn’t find a mini one like that.  I’m actually still not even sure exactly what this one is ha, but these branches are a lot more flexible and can’t hold much weight from ornaments, and she is adorable anyway.  I hung up those Hearth & Hand ornaments I mentioned in this month’s favorites post (white ones here and black ones here) and strung around battery powered ball lights that I got from Michaels.

My favorite detail is the cedar branches around our round mirror– it basically turns the mirror into a wreath!  Some of the branches I was able to simply tuck behind the mirror, but in places where the mirror isn’t as flush against the wall, I used tape to stick the branches directly onto the wall.  If the tree weren’t on the dresser, I maybe would have gone all the way around, but I love how it looks so modern having it just on one side like this.

Those little black nesting houses were also in my favorites post, and again they’re Hearth & Hand, and they are so loved that I cleared off the stuff that was there before on the dresser so that these can live there for December.  It was mostly husband’s stuff to be honest, he’s such a good sport.

Above each window I placed fresh cedar garlands (got them from Home Depot) that I cut down to the width of each window, which are actually what’s contributing most to our bedroom smelling like Christmas.  Didn’t know they would do that, what a nice surprise!  Across both windows I hung one strand of these string lights I got from Michaels that have bulbs that look half-dipped in silver.  These were previously on our big tree in the living room and I’ve since decided I prefer the way they look when they’re not on, so I moved them over here and they don’t turn on.  I like them much more as a decorative garland.

The wreath is fake, and I made it!  I thought about doing a DIY post on it but that post would only be 2 sentences long, so I’ll summarize right here what I did.  I cut off each branch from this faux pine needle bunch (I used a total of two bunches) and glued each one in a single layer onto a 13″ embroidery hoop with a hot glue gun, overlapping each branch about halfway with the previously glued branch.  Very easy, and I can reuse it every winter and not have to deal with pine needles dropping and making a mess, or mourn the wreath prematurely dying and turning brown.  I love real and already preached enough about having it around for the smells, but faux is so convenient and has its place too.

On my bedside I placed what I consider is the best Christmas tree alternative for small spaces.  Tree trimmings in a vase will always be enough.  Add a couple ornaments and it will charm your pants off.  The jug vase that so perfectly holds these trimming is yup, Hearth & Hand, you can find it here.

And that completes all our Christmas decorating, which feels really good to have it done with so that all I need to do now is enjoy it aahh.  Do you decorate your bedroom or other rooms with the changing seasons or not really?  Christmas is the only time I do this and really the only time I get to see our home transform a little for a temporary change.  It’s why I love doing this so much!





17 comments on “Christmas in the Bedroom Vol. 2”

  1. love how you have decorated your room! I was wondering where you bought your carpet (the black and white one)? I have been looking for a similar carpet for some time now, but haven’t been able to find one:(

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