01/19 Design

Blog Theme Giveaway with Blogzilla

Going through the reader survey results, I was most curious to see how you guys would answer the question on what you wish you could do more of in your free time, and a recurring answer was either blog more or start a blog.  I very much know the struggle of putting in the time to blog or write, especially when our free time is scarce and spread thin among other important things, but maybe this giveaway could be a little push with a pretty new blog design (or to start one!) to get you feeling pumped to work on it, or maybe you’ve just been in need of a new look for your site.  I’m very excited to share that the team at Blogzilla is giving away a blog theme to an HOM reader, and I hope you love their designs as much as I do!

I’ve been lucky to get to know and work with Molly and Natalie, the masterminds of Blogzilla, and I’m proud to support their beautiful work (if you didn’t already know, they did the blog design for HOM!)  They offer clean, simple, modern, and minimal themes for wordpress.org sites and I truly love every single one.

I so appreciate that their designs keep the focus on the content while still looking professional and polished, all things that I consider top priority.  They also provide features and options that can display your projects like a portfolio, which work for whether you do or don’t blog but have a body of work to share.  Try and pick a favorite theme here.

TO ENTER THE GIVEAWAY: Visit Blogzilla and comment below with which theme you’d pick if you win the giveaway.  One winner will be selected randomly in one week and contacted via email, so make sure to fill in your email address in the comment form (emails never appear publicly on the blog as long as you enter it where it says “email” and are never shared with third parties or used in any way other than to contact you if you win the giveaway.)

Open internationally!  If you don’t need a blog theme but know a friend that would love one, you can definitely enter to win it for them- that would be terribly sweet.

Good luck <3

*EDIT* Giveaway is closed and winner has been selected.  Thanks to everyone who entered!

73 comments on “Blog Theme Giveaway with Blogzilla”

  1. Hello Hello!

    Beautiful designs and I’d choose the Velvet theme because I think it would suit my personal brand blog and website. Going through a conversion from .com to .org WordPress site right now, so this would be a big help!


  2. I love all the designs but would have to say I would go with Tre – OR – Besotted. What a great win to start my own blog! Thank you for the opportunity HOM and Blogzilla!

  3. What an awesome giveaway! As someone who vowed to consistently blog this year (and last year, and the year before that, lol) I really love the sleek-ness of Slake and the customization options with Mell . The mobile compatibility is especially nice!

  4. I think it is exactly the push I need!! Thank you so much for this giveaway!! There are all beautiful but I think I really like Brooklyn.

  5. OMG! What an awesome idea!

    I have to say Mell would be my choice. I don’t have a blog yet, but I’ve been thinking about it for quite some time now.

  6. Oh man- I’d just love to get the mobile version & tech support to setup category pages on my Slake site from them. Love that template!

  7. Oh wow, I have been wanting to update my theme for a while now but hadn’t heard of blogzilla! What beautiful themes. I would get UNVEIL, so perfect.

  8. I desperately need a good theme for my blog, but haven’t had a chance to save up the money for one yet so this is awesome! I would LOVE the Unveil theme – I think it would work great with what I plan to do on my next round of updates. (:

  9. what an amazing giveaway! i love besotted, slake and velvet, but i think i’d have to go with slake. i’ve always wanted a theme with the social icons in the static header but i cannot for the life of me figure out the css myself!!

  10. Brooklyn for sure, but unveil is a really close second. I love how minimalistic they both are without having to sacrifice at the details you would want in a site.

  11. All of the themes are lovely and elegant, and–as I’m sure you expected–I spent a fair amount of time going through each one and ooh-ing and aah-ing. ‘Unveil,’ though, ultimately captured my heart. Thanks for the giveaway!

  12. Ahhh! I love Blogzilla!

    I would pick Euphoria!
    I’d love to have something picked out for that special time my boyfriend finally proposes to me ;)

  13. I like “MELL” but all themes doesn’t work with wordpress.com so I’m very sad that it wouldn’t work with my blog. But all great designs.
    Greetings Kathrin
    Maybe in further time there will be some themes for wordpress.com

  14. my husband is just starting out a business and looking for a design for their site…I think brooklyn would be perfect :)

  15. Hi Amy, ooohhh the UNVEIL is exactly what I have been looking for which includes the shop so I can get my products online and start my blog for 2017! Thanks for this great offer and thanks Blogzilla!

  16. Aaaahhhh! Hyperventilating a little right now. I’ve been dying to get my hands on one of Blogzilla’s latest themes, they are pure perfection. So hard to choose but I think my favorite is Unveil. Thank you for hosting this giveaway, Amy! xoxo

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