05/01 DIY

Beginning Crochet

beginning crochet

Ooo aĀ Sunday post! Ā That’s a first.

I’m popping in real quick for anĀ updateĀ on new things I’m learning, which is a goal I always have and also what I’ve described as one of the best benefits of blogging (always learning something new!)

The yarn crafts, guys. Ā I love them, especiallyĀ in decor for the home, and I’ve “faked” my way through some of them so far. Ā I got my hands on knitting not too long ago, enjoyed it a lot, and since then I’ve wanted to get into crochet too. Ā Actually, I’ve wanted to learn how to crochet for a very long time, but after knitting is when I became extra curious about how crochet would compare.

With this month’s Michaels Makers challenge being to take any craft class at a Michaels store, I couldn’t think of anythingĀ other than crochet for whatĀ I’d want hands-on help with learning the most. Ā It was my calling.


I took the beginner crochet class for making an infinity scarf, which basically involved doing a million rows of single crochet. Ā It’s a very basic stitch, but having an instructor there to help me was SOĀ much better than what I imagine it would’ve been like to figure this out on my own. Ā Along with teaching me how it’s done, the instructor taught me how to back track when I make a mistake and also pointed out to me that I’m a “tight knitter”, which I totally noticed with knitting but didn’t think much of it back then. Ā What that means is that IĀ tend toĀ stitch too tightly, to the point where I’m struggling to get the hook through the loops, and she kept reminding me to relax my hands and provide more slack on the loops I make.

ALSO, I NEVER realized before that you can pull one end of the yarn ball from the INSIDE of the ball, that way the ball isn’t rolling around everywhere when you’re pulling out more yarn. Ā I face-palmed when the instructor showed me this, like how could something so simply geniusĀ and helpful not crossed my mind before.

single crochetI don’t know what it is, but crocheting is extremely relaxing, much like knitting. Ā I’ve been adding on rows before bed or while watching TV and it’s a real joy, honestly. Ā I will say… just from having to use only one crochet hook as opposed to two needles in knitting, I think I like crochet more. Ā There are a few crochet projects I’ve wanted to try, like potholders or a throw blanket (of course), so I think I’m going to continue onto those after finishing this scarf!

beginning crochet 2

Any of you crochet? Ā I know some of you are pros! Ā I’m surprised by how addicting it is. Ā I almost feel like I don’t want to go a day without doing it. Ā Those are some serious feelings right there.


13 comments on “Beginning Crochet”

  1. I love to crochet! There’s an artistic freedom in it that I never really felt with knitting. I’ve been doing it for a while and I’m getting adventurous with granny squares and circles and it’s very easy and, when I miss a stitch, it’s very forgiving. :) I’m so happy that you’re into it!

    Important question: what flavor of yarn is that you’re using? It’s dreamy!

    1. I totally noticed too that crochet is very forgiving. Love hearing your perspective on it and see, I KNEW someone reading this post would be a pro. Thanks for the inspiration to keep going!
      The yarn is Loops & Threads Cozy Wool in Mushroom. You can find it here.

  2. I recently learned how to knit and I actually want to do it all the time. I did a simple knit project first and now I’m in the middle of a more complex blanket with three different stitches and it’s slightly a hot mess, but I love it all the same.

    1. Knitting is awesome, yea, and maybe because there were so many stitches getting packed onto one needle for the project I did is what made it really uncomfortable for my hands and I’ve come to generally associate the activity with hand pain haha.

  3. I have tried crocheting many times. I finally am getting it. I do enjoy it. I, too, am very tight. Tried crocheting a baby blanket but its more like a doll blanket..tight. I’ve stuck with dishcloths..I adore making them and recently crocheting the bottoms of cool dishtowels. LOVE!
    I shall watch your progress!

  4. I recently started crocheting too after my Mom showed me how, and I am ADDICTED! So nice to have something to do when watching tv. I’ve even brought it along to friends houses because I don’t want to put it down. (See! Addicted!). I’ve been working on a throw blanket for a few weeks now and I’m almost done – as someone who constantly is starting projects without finishing them, this is very exciting for me!

    Love your scarf and can’t wait to see what crochet DIY’s you dream up!

    XO J

    1. HAHA I haven’t brought it with my anywhere, but I totally tell my guy to wait for “one more row” when we’re about to leave for somewhere… I’m constantly starting projects without finishing them, which is why even though I wanted to start with a throw blanket, I thought a smaller project like a scarf would boost my motivation better :P

  5. My mom has been a big crocheter for years. She taught me how to do it when I was about 9. I’m kind of lazy with it. I’ll crochet a bunch in one month and then not touch yarn for months at a time. XD Now I’m starting to wonder how I can sell what I make for some extra spending money. It’s a very useful craft to know, and because many of it is repetition or pattern, it’s easy to become familiar with new stitches. Soon you’ll be a crocheting queen, I’m sure!

    Best of luck to you! I’m currently working on a shoulder cowl/accessory thing. :)

    By the way, I’ve just started to discover blogs and I really like yours. ^_^

  6. I love crochet too! I’m not quite as fond of knitting because inevitably I always end up dropping a stitch, and that is sooo frustrating I’ve been crocheting for years and now in the fall I always sit and prepare winter accessories while watching tv it is unbelievably relaxing and centering!

  7. I crochet! I go through kicks where I’m between knitting and crochet. I started it in high school when my doctor suggested it to help with my anxiety and I haven’t looked back since. I’m currently working on a pixelated granny square blanket.

    Its not just for old people… its a post apocalyptic life skill!

    1. HAHA yes I totally see it as a life skill now! Really interesting to hear how a doctor might suggest crochet like a prescription, and even more cool that it helped you out so much. Love that.

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